Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

New York Times, How About Your 1939 Position on Imperiled Jewry?

February 5, 2018 --

The Times, in a January 26 editorial, went far afield to accuse President Trump of moral insensitivity about the Holocaust.

This from a newspaper that in a May 18, 1939 editorial declared that its support of the British White Paper closing Palestine to Jewish immigration and, one month later, June 14, 1939, watched as the Hamburg-American liner St. Louis returned its Jewish refugees to Europe, declaring that the days of mass migration to the United States were over.

LPR is not aware that The New York Times has ever publicly expressed atonement for its callousness towards the Jews standing unprotected against Hitlerian Europe.

This same editorial continued to misstate President Trump's comments on the violence in Charlottesviille last summer. When it comes to Donald J. Trump, The New York Times can be expected to twist, misstate and and disinform.

He said there were fine people on both sides of the Civil War statue protests. The president did not laud neo-Nazis. The assertion is simply is Never Trump propaganda. And when it comes to abusive action against conservatives, The New York Times tends to look the other way.