Friday, May 03, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Over the Holidays: Scratch an Anti-MAGA Opinion Writer or Officeholder and Find Big Bucks Underneath

December 5, 2022 --

The test is very simple. Type the name of the anti-MAGA individual plus "net worth." More likely than not you will learn that the
person hostile to MAGA and Trump has a net worth of at least $1.5 million, and probably lots more. This person can well afford iceberg lettuce at the now-scandalous price of $5.99 or higher, and regards as "deplorable" anyone for whom lettuce has become a delicacy.

Why, the holiday season of 2022 has lettuce, iceberg and romaine, become so costly? Because the aggrandizers DON'T CARE
and, moreover, feel a certain above-the-masses mindset every time they send out for a head of lettuce as bed for their caviar.

Why hasn't the media taken note of the high cost of lettuce -- higher than a gallon of gas? Because they are part of the 'DON'T CARE crowd out to crush MAGA.

Will the Republican majority in the House investigate the out-of-reach-for-most lettuce prices? Please contact the Republican member of Congress of your choice. And send a letter to the editor of your local paper asking why the Iron Curtain around lettuce prices.