Friday, September 13, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

April in New York

APRIL 22, 2008 --

Signs of spring abounded in Manhattan, on a recent Sunday: forsythia tumbling over a Central Park traverse; blossoms on trees along Columbus Avenue, near Lincoln Center, street vendors selling spring hats.

Central Park Forsythia

Columbus Avenue in bloom …

A Columbus Avenue vendor.

Lincoln Center is undergoing renovation and still the shows go on, including the Philip Glass opera "Satyagraha" at the Metropolitan Opera House and "South Pacific" at the Lincoln Center Theater.  The walkways might be somewhat altered due to the renovation and there are fences filling the Lincoln Center Plaza, but the performances continue. Across 65th Street a bit more extensive work is being done at Juilliard, as indicated in the image of the Lincoln Center complex looking south on Broadway.

Another sign of the season is spring cleaning, and LPR was interested to notice how large the Apple once was, as it stood on a side street in the west 90's waiting to be taken away.

One of the original iMacs …

Lincoln Center Complex on Broadway

Walkway at Lincoln Center as it's undergoing renovations

Satyagraha at the Metropolitan Opera House

South Pacific at the Lincoln Center Theatre