Saturday, September 07, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Is Biden Too Flawed?

April 19, 2023 --

Here, in a brief excerpt from the April 16 American Greatness piece by Lloyd Billingsley, is a concise statement explaining why President Biden is too flawed, morally, to be elected to a second term;

"'Transgender Day of Visibility celebrates the joy, strength, and absolute courage of some of the bravest people I know—people who have too often had to put their jobs, relationships, and lives on the line just to be their true selves.'

"That was Joe Biden on March 30, three days after transgender Audrey Hale shot dead Evelyn Dieckhaus, 9, Mike Hill, 61, William Kinney, 9, Katherine Koonce, 60, Cynthia Peak, 61, and Hallie Scruggs, also 9 and the daughter of Chad Scruggs, senior pastor at the Covenant Presbyterian Church.

"Haley Scruggs and Cynthia Peak had funerals that day, but Biden named not a single victim and failed to name or condemn the murderer."