Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
LPR's Call to Motorists: Unite!

JANUARY 9, 2005 --

So far as LPR can tell, motorists have no public representatives or spokespersons.

Accordingly, from LPR's perspective, officialdom feels free to treat motorists in arbitrary and capricious manner, using
them as source of taxation by other means.

The accompanying photographs show double-parked cars on West 90th Street in Manhattan, the morning of January 6.

These cars are not ticketed. Apparently, in this section of Manhattan, accomodation is made for double-parking on alternate-side parking mornings.

Drivers whose cars are double-parked-in have to hope the drivers of the double-parked cars are reachable.

So far as LPR is aware, accomodation is not given to motorists who park a moment at the end of a bus zone, or are a moment overtime at a parking meter, or double park in other areas of New York City.

See, also, the photo of a sign announcing a press parking exception on West 44th Street.

This sign raises questions about the lack of attention of the New York City media to the arbitrary and capricious methods of City Hall on parking regs.

LPR has the further honor of advising clicksters that incorrect addresses on parking summonses do not lead to dismissal when the tickets are answered by mail.

And, on the matter of the attempted towing of the LPRmobile last July, an administrative law judge, ruling by mail, said that the submitted evidence was
insufficient to show there was no sign declaring a truck zone.

Of course, the LPRmobile was released because a Parking Violations Bureau supervisor on the scene said there was no sign.

LPR expects that continued disunity among motorists will embolden Parking Violations to become more arbitrary, more capricious, more heavy-handed.



Double-parking on West 90th Street, without summonses, morning of January 6. Double parked cars are the line on the left.

The reason the media is quiet as City Hall squeezes drivers who do not have press plates?

No double parking here -- just waiting for the sanitation truck to move on--January 7.

This is not to say New York City would lose money if fundamental fairness was applied at PVB.

All the city needs to do is create a Pedestrians Violations Bureau, and add, to existing pedestrian regs, a ban on cell-phoning while walking.