Friday, September 13, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Two Credit Card Anecdotes

SEPTEMBER 3, 2008 --

To pay two credit card bills on time, LPR used the check by phone method. Everything seemed to go smoothly, until LPR received the statements both of which indicated payment was received and then unreceived. (LPR had given nine numbers for the checking account; not 10 –shouldn’t the people taking my information have know I was short one number.?) Both cards hit LPR with fees – Juniper (Barclay’s) charging a return fee and a late payment fee; AT&T charging an over the limit fee, as well as a return fees and late payment fee.

Speaking about the matter with Juniper representatives located in the Philippines, LPR got the return fee waived but not the late fee. Speaking with AT&T representatives, LPR got all fees waived.

* * * *

A few days later, LPR received a call from Discover Card. It was not a dunning call. The representative noted that LPR had not been using the card and wanted to know why. On hearing that the very high interests rates were a problem, the person on the other end of the line immediately offered a promotional 5.6% interest rate.

LPR remained hesitant and the Discover person said that some other 5.6% rate is available. Not wanting to hurt the representative’s feelings, LPR agreed to accept the promotional rate. And keep the card in a drawer.

The anxiety continues over the forced move and the lack of sustainable income, but better to have anxiety without the plastic yoke, than with it.

Again, LPR urges blogs to get together on the credit card issue. The individual is too vulnerable to the power of the banks. An organization comparable to AARP, protecting the rights of credit cardholders, is needed. Why, on formation of such an organization, the pols who let the credit cards prey on us might have to take notice.