Friday, April 26, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
An Open Letter to James Carville

MARCH 24, 2004 --

Dear James Carville,

Thank you for your undated, form letter that I received March 23, warning me that "the Bush campaign" is going "to steal" the election early in the campaign, but that President Bush does not have "the election in the bag."

On that point, you have my full agreement. I have every confidence in President Bush to lose to you guys as did his father. Republicans have, I think, difficulty in knowing who their friends are. They waste, I think, too much time letting you guys befuddle them. And also, I suspect, trying to get you guys to be their friends.

Just a couple of points. Your letter suggests that I am a Democrat. Many years ago, I did register with the Democrats in New York, but then switched, by mail, I thought, to Independent. I guess the paperwork on that application has yet to go through.

You mention, in your request for funds from me, that "Our new nominee will finish the primaries broke and without a penny in the bank." John F. Kerry is going to need food stamps? I don't think so-- not even if, somehow, his political career ends in November. Wouldn't you accuse Republicans of deception, maybe downright lying, if they said that kind of thing about one of their candidates?

Now, if you were to tell me that, on getting elected, your candidate would undo the property tax manipulation that got my family out of the Dayton Seaside apartment buildings under distress conditions, and if you told me that your candidate would abide by the Constitution of the United States, and if you told me that Democrats would put an end to demagoguery and their support for heavy-handed, instrusive government... no, not even then could I vote for a Democrat, but if you pledged, in this campaign, to return to the legacy of the Founding Fathers, the legacy of liberty, well maybe the folks who elect you would hold you to your promises.

I skimmed your fundraising letter -- I could not read it all in one sitting -- your writing style is a lot like your rapid-fire verbal style. And I am reminded of a scene in a movie, reading a comment like this (with you referring, I guess, to "George W. Bush and his crowd") "Worst of all, they lie." The movie is "On the Waterfront." The scene is between Marlon Brando and Rod Steiger, where Brando, as Terry Malloy, is telling Steiger, as his brother, "It was you

James Carville at Tavern on the Green on January 28.

Charlie," who betrayed Brando's boxing career. It's really you guys, not Bush.

James, if you guys are the party of the people, how come you are always telling us, even when you are in power, as Al Gore, did -- seeking to succeed your former boss, President Clinton-- that you are going to take back government?

James, James, you are part of the crowd that seeks the "ambitioius sacrifice of the many to the aggrandizement of the few." Worse, you work to get power by pretending to be our friend, and as soon as you get power, you don't know us, until the next election when you promise to return to us the government you have taken away.

The only reason the G.O.P. got a Congressional majority in 1994 was because the people saw no viable alternative. I read a few months ago, and wish I could remember the source, the only way to get rid of bad laws is to enforce them. Maybe, after you guys get the White House back, all of us will get to be hurt so bad we shall have an American spring, with the wall that you have erected between the people and government torn down. Probably the G.O.P. is not the answer, but they once were a third party and perhaps after you make it clear how hostile you are to freedom, the people will establish a new political party that uses those great documents on free government-- The Federalist Papers -- as working guide.

I cannot, of course, send you funds for election of a president who will further erode individual liberty in our country. Besides, you don't need anything from me to win the State of New York, although, perhaps, the voter turnout will continue to decline, and reflect how demoralized the people are with government still in the hands of the aggrandizers.

David R. Zukerman