Friday, September 13, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor


SEPTEMBER 3, 2008 --

Once again, we have, courtesy of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, an example of Democratic demagoguery applied against others that actually describes the speaker.

In his First Inaugural Address, President Clinton declared: "Let us give this Capitol back to the people to whom it belongs." LPR thought of this comment as Senator Clinton called on Democrats to take the country back and to end government for the favored few.

LPR is not convinced that the Clinton Administration ended government for the favored few. Indeed, those Clintonian White House coffees and special events for Democratic fat cats put President Clinton's Inaugural comment in proper context, calling for the Capitol to be kept in the hands of those to whom it belongs: the favored few.

Senator Clinton, in talking about taking the country back, seems to view the country as an object to be captured -- and dominated. And what is government for Senator Clinton if not the instrument of money and power applied by and for the favored few?

LPR wonders: if Senator Clinton really wanted to end government of, by and for the insiders, wouldn't she have recommended that we switch to a flat tax, and end the process of distributing tax breaks for … the favored few?

Senator Clinton praised the presidency of her husband and said that she was a proud Democrat. She was not quoted as saying that she was "a proud wife."

A three person panel on NBC, chatting on air before Senator Clinton's appearance, curiously raised the possibility that she might not give Barack Obama unqualified support. Perhaps the three NBC pundettes should have wondered if Senator Clinton would give unqualified support to her husband.