Friday, September 13, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

LPR's Look in Doggerel Verse
at a Political Future in Language Terse Will a Democratic Washington Make Things Worse Leaving it in the Hearts of Its Countrymen Last, not First

OCTOBER 15, 2008 --

Someone has said the stock market decline

Can be blamed mainly on "panic"

Suggesting value doesn't reflect the bottom line

Just sheer hysteria, when the mood is not manic

If Wall Street is is sounding a panic alert

Feeling that these times are perilous

Let's hear no more from a financial expert

But rather from a anxiety/depressive specialist

* * *

I take out a very large hanky

When I learn of comments from the Fed's Ben Bernanke

I'd prefer to hear the following line

from "Whistle a Happy Tune" words by Oscar Hammerstein

"Make believe you're brave and the trick will take you far

You may be as brave, as you make believe you are."

Isn't it McCain/ Palin who speak in manner grave

Implying that Wall Street is home of the knave, not the brave.

* * *

Where are Romney, Huckabee and the rest

of Republicans who failed the presidential test?

With the GOP ticket running against Bush

Are Republicans giving McCain an off-the-cliff push?

LPR still believes McCain/Palin should

Emphasize Federalist 57's call for the "common good"

But with Republicans at each other's throats

The post-election days likely will seek GOP scapegoats

With Democrats in the final scene of this political drama

Keeping the House and Senate, and election night

cheering for President-elect Obama

* * *

Joe Lieberman, now LPR worries about him

When Senate Dems have a huge majority

Believing that his chances are slim

Of keeping his chairmanship, notwithstanding his seniority

Would an aide to President Obama signal this deal

That maybe Joe should Israel

* * *

The media will of course stand up and cheer

their winning candidate, Barack Obama

Who will assure us not to fear

That he will make the country a lot more calmer

With regulations to the right of us and rules to the left

And Washington taking over in manner quite deft

Imposing burdens on the former middle class

That can no longer afford essentials , in addition to gas

* * *

LPR sees Richard Holbrooke as secretary of state next

speaking softly to Iran -- unless of course he will go

as our ambassador to independent Kosovo.

The Treasury secretary to be Mayor Mike from his NYC triplex

With the stock market becoming known -- in financial play

By just three words: Warren Buffett's buffet

Against Washington Republicans there will be no violence

Just the demand that they maintain silence

The former middle class -- holding on to their britches

Will see "progressives" amassing vast riches

Their take from social programs galore

That just happen to keep the masses on the floor.