Friday, September 13, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

The Historic Election of 2008

SEPTEMBER 2, 2008 --

And so, whichever party wins the presidential election, we are going to make history--we are going to have our first African-American president or our first woman vice president. Wow.

And what a way for John McCain to counter the impressive Democratic gathering in Denver, the night before. The 2008 presidential race seems to be turning into a political chess match.

LPR was impressed with two words stated by Senator John McCain when he introduced his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. And LPR heard Gov. Palin also say those words when she agreed to be Sen. McCain's vice presidential candidate -- the two words cited innumerable times by LPR from Federalist Paper No. 57: "common good."

Perhaps during the campaign the GOP ticket will specifically refer to No. 57 as their guide to change -- that is to say political reform -- that will put the country back on the track intended by the Founding Fathers. And wouldn't it be something if the GOP ticket included a call for cooperative free enterprise in their commitment to the common good?