Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Here is a must-read column from George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley on censorship of the China lab origins of Covid-19

March 5, 2023 --


Prof. Turley does not emphasize the point, but for LPR, the censorship had all to do with smearing President Trump, to make sure he could not be re-elected.

The leading smearers, of course, included Fauci. Prof. Turley points out, "The media guaranteed that we did not have. full debate over the origins of [Covid - 19.]"

Indeed, our totalitarian media make sure we do not have a full debate on any policy issue.

LPR recalls that in 2014, the late professor Stephen F. Cohen, chatting with John Batchelor on the Batchelor radio show, pointed that The New York Times was providing a one-sided view of the turmoil in Ukraine -- and this was more than two yers before Rutenberg, in The Times, called for propaganda coverage of Donald J. Trump, to replace objective reporting.

LPR will say what Prof. Turley is apparently reluctant to acknowledge: that his anti-censorship columns would never be accepted in The New York Times, which now prints propaganda, not honest journalism.