Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Attorney General Garland Rebukes the Supreme Court

July 7, 2022 --

(Copied from CNBC, June 24.)

"U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland tried to ward off violent protests to the Supreme Court’s ruling Friday overturning its landmark abortion decision Roe v. Wade, asking protestors to remain peaceful.

“Advocates with different views on this issue have the right to, and will, voice their opinions,” Garland said in a statement. “Peacefully expressing a view is protected by the First Amendment. But we must be clear that violence and threats of violence are not. The Justice Department will not tolerate such acts.”

He added the Department of Justice “strongly disagrees” with the court’s ruling and will “work tirelessly to protect and advance reproductive freedom.”

“'The Supreme Court has eliminated an established right that has been an essential component of women’s liberty for half a century — a right that has safeguarded women’s ability to participate fully and equally in society,'” Garland said. “'And in renouncing this fundamental right, which it had repeatedly recognized and reaffirmed, the Court has upended the doctrine of stare decisis, a key pillar of the rule of law.'”

LPR does not have much confidence that the attorney general will act against violent protests from the left.

Thus far he has installed what Rep. Banks calls "two-tiered justice," cracking down on non-violent protesters on the right and ignoring violent protests on the left, plus applying secret police tactics against former Trump officials.

In short, to borrow from Garland's words, he does not safeguard the ability of conservatives "'to participate fully and equally in society.'"