Friday, September 13, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

An LPR Note for Newt Gingrich

FEBRUARY 18, 2008 --

Newt, please look to Federalist 57 for advice on the change we need. You can't get more conservative looking back more than two centuries for political counsel for our times.

How can the people not respond to a political party committed to replacing government of, by and for insiders with government of, by and for the people?   

How can the people not respond to a political party committed to the idea that political leaders should be with the people, not above them?

Newt, before you went into politics you were a historian.  You know the Federalist Papers. They are commentaries on the popular form of government the Founders established to promote the common good. Doesn't that describe the kind of change the country, today, needs and deserves?

Newt Gingrich, January 27, 2007, speaking at the National Review Conservative summit in Washington, D.C.