Friday, September 13, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Which is worse:
the headline or the verse?

JULY 7, 2008 --

"Wall Street to begin July
worried about oil, banks, housing"

LPR thinks they ought to try
an attitude that would be  more rousing

Consider "economy" synonymous with "common good"

and when oil and banks squeeze  us  the economy gets sour

Isn't it now time that Wall Streeters should

call  on oil and banks to curb their reckless power

Agreed that  taxes should be lower in the United States

That's an argument Washington should hear and apply

Why not also  lower gas prices and credit card interest rates

The rule here  seems to be: they demand; we supply

Alas what Madison wrote  more than 200 years ago remains true

He wrote these quoted words at the start of Federalist 57

Oil and banks from the many seeking "the aggrandizement of the few"

And so  the economy (a/k/a common good) will go to hell, not to heaven