Saturday, September 07, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

News on the Inspector General Front

December 5, 2019 --

The New York Times reported on its front page, November 23, that the report of the inspector  general of the Department of Justice will be released on December 9, and is expected "to absolve" the leaders of the FBI of anti-Trump bias. 

According to the Times, the IG's report criticizes "lower-level" officials at the FBI, including lawyer Kevin Clinesmith "who expressed animus toward Mr. Trump in text messages and resigned about two months ago...." 

Readers would have had to turn to page 21 to find in the middle of column 2 the specific implication that FBI Lawyer Clinesmith was on the staff of the special counsel, by reporting that he  "was among the FBI officials removed by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, after [Inspector General Michael E.]  Horowitz found text messages expressing political ani,us against Mr. Trump."   

LPR looks forward to the IG rep;ort -- and even more, to the Durham Report on the origins of Russiagate.   By the way, Chairman Schiff, as others have noted, went around  making the false claim that he had evidence that the president colluded with the Russians to get elected. How can an official who spread such false information be made chairman of  the committee that will draft articles of impeachment against Mr. Trump, including an article to the effect that he sought to collude with Ukraine to gain re-election in 2020?   

Indeed, how can the United States Senate take seriously any action against the president from a committee chaired by someone who regards Mr. Trump as a charlatan, an insult directed not only against the president, but against the people who elected him?