Friday, April 26, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Change the Name of the Jets'
and Giants' Venue

January 5, 2021 --

LPR could find no story in The New York Pravda OR the New York Post on the Buffalo Bills winning the American Football Conference East Division after the team defeated the Denver Broncos.  This is intolerable (and LPR is disappointed that the Post should have ignored the Bills' achievement.)

How can professional sports demand changes in team names when the lie is maintained that the Jets and Giants of the National Football League play their home games in New York?

Clearly, the Buffalo Bills are New York's SOLE entry in the NFL. It is long past time that the NFL changed the home venue of the Jets and Giant to New Jersey,  Tell the truth, NFL. Change the teams to the New Jersey Giants and the New Jersey Jets.

(Actually, LPR is shocked that New Jersey Governor Murphy has not demanded this change.) 

If the media in NYC wants to give full coverage to the Jersey Jets, the Jersey Giants, well, okay -- just so long as the media give the Bills equal coverage.   Phil Mushnick at the Post -- take notice.