Saturday, September 07, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
LPR points out ...

April 19, 2023 --

...that Maureen Dowd, complaining about old people in politics in her April 16 New York Times column, was born January 14, 1952 -- which makes her a few months past 72.

While her career in journalism began in 1974, she has been with the Times for some 40 years, and has been a Times op-ed columnist for some 28 years. She does not mention that Verdi was in his 70's when he composed the music for his opera "Otello" and was nearing 80 when he composed "Falstaff."

Ms. Dowd does promote, in her April 16 column, the lie that January 6 was an "insurrection" against the government -- when it would be more accurate to point out that the way Biden and Garland operate, the government constitutes an insurrectionary assault on the people.

(Full disclosure: LPR's proprietor was born May 15, 1940, and the enemies of MAGA are lucky that LPR is a political non-influencer.)