Friday, September 13, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

What a "Last Curtain Call"

JULY 22, 2008 --

A sign on a building on River Avenue opposite Yankee Stadium said "ONE LAST CURTAIN CALL" and included photos of the Yankee Stadium playing field.  The sign referred to the All Star Game played at the ballpark July 15 and what a game it was, concluding in the hear hours of July 16 with a 15 inning win by the American League over the National League, 4-3.

Yankee shortstop Derek Jeter was among those who wondered if the ballpark just didn't want the game to end.   This is the last season for Yankee Stadium, which, sadly, faces demolition.

Indeed the All Star Game this season was played at Yankee Stadium in tribute to its last year.

LPR did not have credentials to get photos of the players in the All Star game. The images posted here show the Goodyear blimp over the two Yankee Stadiums, July 14, along with other views of the true star of this All Star Game: Yankee Stadium I.  This star will no longer be shining next year.