Friday, September 13, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

A Magnificent Way
to Celebrate July Fourth

JUNE 23, 2008 --

Reuters reported recently a poll by indicating that more than 80 percent of 1000 drivers polled say they will stay home on Independence Day.. The report said that this is a five percent drop from last year. editor Gabe Saglie indicated that the economy is in shaky condition ‘how people live their lives day-to-day.”

Last LPR called for a national Leave Your Car at Home Day. The (L.A.-based) poll suggests that we should proclaim our independence from those using oil as a weapon against us and our economy by keeping our cars home on Independence Day.

What a statement it would make about our national resolve if, on July 4, television news programs showed empty roads, empty parking lots, empty gas stations and if, July 5, the lead story in the newspapers reported: Americans Keep Cars Home in July 4th Protest Against Oil Prices”

James Madison, in Federalist No. 57 wrote that the American people are actuated by “a spirit which nourishes freedom and in return is nourished by it.” Seems to LPR that James Madison and all the Founders would applaud us if we demonstrated our spirit of freedom by leaving our cars home on the day of our independence.

And what a show of solidarity against the oil cartel if the international commmunity joined a July 4 "Leave Your Car at Home" demonstration of  freedom, independence and resolve against economic heavy-handedness.

This year, when we say "Happy Independence Day" let's really mean it.