Friday, May 03, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
LPR on Music Turnabout With the UK

November 19, 2022 --

As the Brits have borrowed from us , as kind of unofficial anthem, "You'll Never Walk Alone," by Rodgers and Hammerstein (Carousel), this is to suggest that we, as kind of unofficial MAGA anthem, borrow song from Les Miserables, by Claude Michel-Schonberg, Alain Boublil and Jean-Marc Natel. Listen to the songs and imagine a change to -- "Do you hear the MAGA people sing, of the silent giant's awakening?" (And perhaps One Term More in place of One Day More.)

Republicans in the Senate and House cannot resist the MAGA spirit another two years under the faux leadership of McConnell and his acolytes. The MAGA spirit, you see, is the American spirit of liberty extolled by Madison in Federalist No. 57 -- or as James Gleason (newspaper editor Connell [cq] ) told Edward Arnold D.B. Norton) at the end of Frank Capra's MAGA-anticipating "Meet John Doe" -- pointing to a crowd of John Doe loyalists, "Norton: the people, try and lick that."

LPR says, "McConnell, listen to these songs, -- try and lick that."