Friday, September 20, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Observations - October 2021

LPR Wishes Its Visitors a Happy Pumpkin-Filled Halloween

(And keep in mind, if it's Halloween, then Christmas season isn't far behind.)


October 19, 2021 --

The Deep State Already Lying About a Re-elected President Trump in 2024

(Copied and pasted from HuffPost, 10/10)

Fiona Hill, a former top analyst on the National Security Council, presented a chilling warning about Donald Trump in a Politico interview Friday: If Trump “makes a successful return to the presidency in 2024, democracy’s done.”


Important Link …

Here is a link to an important article indicating that the allegation of hacking of the DNC in 2016 was "a false claim."



LPR to Rep. Andy Biggs, chair of the House Freedom Caucus (HFC)

Suggest the HFC respond to the bizarre October 18 fundraiser for turncoat Cheney in Dallas, arranged by former President G. W. Bush,  by issuing a statement declaring that the Freedom Caucus will support the presidential candidacy of President Donald J. Trump should he seek  re-election in 2024.


LPR Salute Buffalo Bills Coach Sean McDermott …

With  less than a half-minute left in the  October 18 game with the Tennessee Titans, who were ahead 34 - 31 and the Bills within the Titan's' 5-yard line, fourth and a yard to go for a first down, Coach McDermott went for the first down and a likely win, instead of settling for a field goal that would have sent the game into overtime. The Titans held and won the game, which included three running touchdowns by Titan Derrick Henry, a 101-yard kickoff return by the Bills Isaiah McKenzie called back for a penalty, and the Bills making a two-point conversion on a razzle-dazzle play starting with quarterback Josh Allen tossing the ball to a teammate and then catching the ball in the end zone for the conversion.  The Bills are still in first place in their division by two games, with a 4-2 record. LPR expects that Coach McDermott will get them into the playoffs, may even their first Super Bowl victory.


A Gathering of Rino-crats …

LPR hoped to report the further anti-Trump, anti-GOP statements from Rep. Liz Cheney and former President Bush, but couldn't find a report on the fundraiser, held somewhare in the Dallas vicinity, for Cheney reportedly organized by Mr, Bush.  LPR did find a Dallas Morning News article on the day of the event, stating that there is an "irreparable chasm" between Mr. Bush and former President Trump.   The invitation called for a 5.30 p.m. start -- maybe to give the guests time to watch either the Red Sox - Astros game (Boston trounced Houston 12 - 3) or the Bills - Titans game. If the remarks at the fundraiser are to be kept secret, that would be in the tradition of  the secret society Mr. Bush is member of: Yale's Skull and Bones.


Single blossom, 10/7/21


New York City voters, elect Curtis Sliwa for mayor, it's important for the country
as well as for NYC.

October 5, 2021 --

With the turn of two calendar pages, suddenly it will be 2022!

With  the Jewish holidays now past, and with October now upon us, Halloween is but four weeks away, followed by Election Day (Sliwa for NYC mayor -- where are his GOP backers?) and, thereafter, in quick succession, Thanksgiving and Chanukah, then Christmas and New Year's Day. Accordingly, may LPR be the first to wish its visitors a happy, healthy, prosperous 2022 -- and, most  importantly, may the New Year be a year in which our politics comes to its senses,  recovering  from the Woke pandemic which has afflicted the country, quite mercilessly, the past two years.

The RNC has a tendency …

…to ignore comments from the grass roots, but not $$ contributions.
LPR calls on GOP voters to turn this situation on its head -- by letting RNC chair Ronna McDaniel know that $$ contributions will be put on hold until House Republicans muster the self-respect to banish Pelosi puppet  Cheney from their midst. And let the Bushes, and  Republican office-holders who are donating to the Cheney re-election bid, including Sen. Romney, deal with that. Hmm.  McDaniel is Romney's niece.  Time for Chair McDaniel to prove she does not have a conflict of interest here.

Does Milley Really Know the Constitution?

Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan, in her lukewarm September 25 column on Gen. Mark Milley, noted that one recent book referred to him (in Noonan's words) as "a street-wise Ivy Leaguer well versed in the Constitution."  LPR challenges the columnist to point to assertions by Milley that it is to up Congress, under Article I of the Constitution, to declare war -- not the president; not even the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 

Just Wondering …

Breitbart reported, September 26, that only 46% of 2020's voters would vote today for Biden.


What if that was the actual vote Biden got in 2020?

We Can't Have This …

On September 24, the Ryder Cup competition between 12 top U.S. golfers and 12 top European golfers got underway at the Straits course at Whistling Straits, in Haven, Wisconsin, with the crowd, at the first tee, spontaneously singing the National Anthem.  Don't the people at that first tee know they were supposed to get down on one knee? LPR now wonders if the FBI will examine videos of that patriotic crowd so that SWAT teams can scour the countryside to arrest these loyal Americans, and throw them in jail with the "Jan. 6" political prisoners. 

Two naming ideas for the NFL …

LPR figures that in the near future, the NFL will force the Kansas City Chiefs to change the name of the team.  How about just putting "Fire" before "Chiefs?"

Meanwhile, there is still a void where the name of the Washington NFL squad should go.  How about the Washington Elite, to describe how the Democrats in D.C. regard themselves?

From The Western Journal, 9/27 …

Watch: Biden Now Says He'll Allow Country to Get Back to Normal When 98% of US Is Vaccinated - Sounds like an imperial president to LPR.

A Question for President Trump …

Who recommended Gen. Milley to you as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?    The favor of a reply as to the indentity of the person recommending Milley would be greatly approeciated.

General Milley, have you returned this award, yet?

[Copied and pasted from a Princeton U. press release, 2/20/16] "Gen. Mark Milley, chief of staff of the U.S. Army and a member of the Class of 1980, received the Woodrow Wilson Award, the University’s highest honor for undergraduate alumni."

Surfer facing huge waves at the beach in Belle Harbor, near Rockaway. Image by Nancy Wood.