OCTOBER 28, 2008 --
LPR holds to the old-fashioned view that stock prices should reflect economic performance, not psychiatric pathology. From LPR's perspective,however, there seems to be an awful lot of financial people who, when the chips are down, have no confidence in our economic system.
LPR has a hunch the financial hysteria this October is the product of predatory free enterprise, perhaps even a rigged predatory free enterprise system in which Wall Streeters have lost confidence, perhaps just as Soviet leaders lost confidence in communism? But why lose confidence in free enterprise that is an aspect of liberty?
The past decade, our economic system has suffered from financial manipulation, easy-money schemes, price-gouging -- all apparently aimed at making the few wealthy on the sacrifices of the many.
LPR looks now,for the country to rally the country around the banner of cooperative free enterprise. |
That is to say, LPR looks, ,now, to people who continue to have confidence in the American spirit, a spirit dedicated to the common good, with liberty, justice -- and bounty, for all.
LPR is not aware of any battle that was won when the troops fled the field of conflict. To the predators now afflicted with hysteria, LPR says, "good riddance." To the people who believe in America and the idea of cooperative frfee enterprise, LPR says, "let's get to work."