Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Open Letter to President Bush

OCTOBER 10, 2004 --

Dear Mr. President:

Maybe you ought to notice that some of your adversaries think the country needs to be defended -- against you, and respond to them at the third debate.

It seems remarkable that people believe our country needs to be protected from our commander in chief.

I heard the Vice President suggest to Senator John Edwards, in the Vice Presidential debate, that a Kerry-Edwards win would bring back intrusive government. (Not that we don't have intrusive government right now.)

That line might deflect a bit from the way Kerry and Edwards are Halliburtoning
your re-election campaign. (LPR wonders how the Vice President got to be head of Halliburton -- but the Dems might not want to go there because it would encourage
us to wonder how Dem pols get high positions in private industry, too.)

I have to admit that is the only thing that keeps me from throwing in with the
Democrats -- the instinct that they would hit us unconnected citizens with lots more regulations -- and higher taxes of course.

Yet, when the stock market drops, of what benefit is your promise not to raise taxes? I'd rather a ten percent tax hike than a thirty percent drop in stock value.

Perhaps you ought to consider that the guys raising the price of oil are poking a finger in your face.

Certainly the barbarians who are murdering people in the most atrocious way seem not too concerned how you think about what they are doing -- and what you will do to them.

I am willing to concede that the lamentable lack of outrage from our media ain't deterring the barbarians. I wonder what the barbarians say when they hear that U.S, editorials are handwringing about Al Ghraib prisoners, not demanding that the heads of the barbarians be placed on platters.


Back in 1776, the Founding Fathers saw the need to explain their actions to world opinion. I don't think the Founding Fathers were seeking the approval of world opinion, however. I gotta admit that at this
point, I don't know that I will vote for you --not that I could vote the Democratic ticket -- which seems more the demagogic ticket. John F. Kerrygogue, you might

Still your claims to leadership remain
unconvincing -- if they were, the current price of oil would be lots lower -- and the Dow Jones rather higher.

Here are a few questrions you might consider before election day:

Will we win the war on terror in your next term -- that is to say, will people be able to enter Yankee Stadium without being frisked before you leave office?

What do you think the price of oil will be after next Inaugural Day -- and where do you expect the Dow Jones average will be Novemvber 4, if you are re-elected
November 2?

Maybe I should just ask this question, with follow-up: Will the citizens who don't go from politics to top corporate jobs be better off if you are re-elected?

And, should you answer in the affirmative: With reference to various economic indicators during your first term, --how, and why should we believe you ?

LPR noticed this "Defend America Defeat Bush" bumper sticker.