SEPTEMBER 3, 2008 --
Sixteen days of Olympic competition followed by two weeks of political convention competition just about closes Summer 2008 for us. (Indeed, LPR spotted some leaves turning color near Sherman, Connecticut, August 19, while on another trip with books for the Sherman community library. See Photo Observatons above.)
Perhaps the best commentary was provided by television. NBC carried hours and hours of the Olympics and the time of its coverage likely exceeded the time given to the Democratic and Republican conventions by all the networks. Considering that good sportsmanship remains valued at the Olympics but not necessarily in politics, it was probably appropriate that the television time of the conventions should have been limited.
A viewer might see one marathon runner hand another marathoner a bottle of water—see competitors shaking hands after the event. In our politics, these days the apparent aim is simply to attack the other side. |
At the Olympics, the competition is skillful and hard-fought, with the participants uniting at the end. As of this writing, it remains a question if the Democrats, themselves, will unite after their convention – or the Republicans after theirs. That the two parties should unite after the election in service to the people is hardly likely.
LPR applauds all the Olympians – marveling at the feats of gymnasts and divers, spinning, twisting, somersaulting in the air. LPR congratulates the U.S. basketball team in winning a gold medal – and is impressed by the athleticism of the volleyball players – even the beach volleyball players.
And if the voters judged the candidates as the gymnasts and divers are judged, would any candidate score higher than 5, based on sincerity, persuasiveness, believability and closeness to the people?