JUNE 9, 2008 --
Last Friday brought word that oil was up a one-day record $10.75 to $139 a barrel -- and the stock market was down some 394 points (after being up some 200 points the day before).
LPR has a hunch that someone, somewhere is thumbing his nose at our political leaders, specifically, and at us, generally. The failure of our leadership to deal with the problem doesn't mean we are helpless as a people.
LPR thinks the internet should be the means to establish modern committees of correspondence to get the country to pull together for the common good, as did
the founding generation in establishing our independence. As things are headed, we might have to rename July 4 Dependence on Oil Day.
Perhaps an internet-generated response would send a message Washington and Oil could not ignore -- a message indicating that in the absence of national leadership, the people have the means to express self-determination.
The suggestion here would be to pick a national "Leave Your Car Home" day . Unless, of course, we want to keep paying tribute to Oil -- until we cannot afford gas and MUST leave the car at home. And Mr. Bernanke, please do not make things worse.
The record one day jump in the price of oil occurred on June 6, the 64th anniversary of D-Day, the day we invaded Nazi-held France.
LPR wonders if today we have the will to confront our enemies. Have we no means to retaliate against countries that are squeezing our economy by their oil pricing?
Where are the "investigative reporters" in the media to "follow the money" and determine where the oil money ends up?
Looks to LPR that the oil countries are engaging in unfriendly acts against us. Also seems to LPR that our oil policy, as of June 6, 2008, has become the top issue in the presidential campaign.
D-Day, 1944 happened after the West realized that appeasement didn't work. How much harm must unfriendly nations cause our economy before we answer with a national response? |
New Jersey Gulf Gas - June 3rd. |
Manipulation, Anyone?
There was a report June 6 that oil prices were up sharply on word that the price per barrel will reach $150 by July 4. (That would be a curious way to mark Independence Day.) The report shook stock prices which had gone up some 200 points the day before.
LPR suggests that if oil prices are going to jump on a prediction of higher prices and the stock market is going to fall based on that price hike prediction, our economy is already shaky.