Friday, May 03, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
A Thanksgiving 2022 Comment

November 19, 2022 --

Will Rogers, the noted humorist of the first third of the 20th century, was famous for having said that he never met a man he didn't like.

LPR can offer the following observation with confidence -- that Mitch McConnell, GOP Senate leader, is the anti-Will Rogers, for having never met a MAGA person he liked. Not only that, but Mr. McConnell would have disliked James Madison because the MAGA mindset constitutes a democracy-credo deriving from the first half of Federalist No. 57, attributed to Madison, which includes his counsel to our leaders that they hold "communion of interests and sympathy of sentiments" with the American people,, without which, government becomes tyrannical.

McConnell's great shame is that he never protested to Schumer the denial by Biden/Garland of due process and fundamental fairness to American citizens held as political prisoners without trial, nor did McConnell tell Schumer to demand that Biden/Garland stop making SWAT-team predawn arrests on peace-loving citizens who are deemed hostile by the tyrannical Biden/Garland for daring to exercise their First Amendment rights.

A Thanksgiving question, in three words, to the 37 benighted Republican senators who have continued the due process McConnell as their leader: