FEBRUARY 10, 2008 --
Some time ago, this writer received a letter from the Fred Thompson campaign that began: "Please give me your opinion: What worries you the most about Hillary Clinton?" ("most" was underlined.) A paragraph or so later, this letter, signed by the candidate, explained that Thompson is "running for President -- to give voters in New York a conservative alternative to Hillary Clinton."
Isn't Thompson running as "conservative alternative" to all the Democrats and perhaps even some Republicans? |
Seems to LPR that Fred Thompson should have told us how as "a conservative" he would best serve the common good. What worries LPR is a candidate whose main campaign argument is a negative one.
LPR is convinced that voters would respond to "a conservative" who ran on a positive, common good, liberty-based platform that promoted the cause of national strength and cooperative free enterprise.
LPR note: This criticism of candidate Thompson comes too late; it was written before he quit the presidential race.