Friday, September 13, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor

Better than before,
but still much too high

AUGUST 4, 2008 --

LPR was in Torringon, Connecticut, July 29 and noticed gas prices were down, at a Mobil station and a Shell station some 19 cents from earlier in July.  

The lowest price LPR spotted was $4.03 for regular at a Gulf station, which when previously seen was $4.15.  

Prices in New York City are 20 cents high or more.  

It was reported August 1 that the Big Oil companies combined raked in $51.5 billion for the second quarter of this year.

Shell Station in Torrington, July 29th


Gulf station in Torrington, July 29th.

Mobil Station in Torrington, July 29th