Friday, July 26, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Archives 2015

Select one of the following articles to view its contents. Please check back often as this site is continually updated.

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for 2005

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• All Past LPR Articles for 2005

• All Past LPR Articles for 2004

December 19, 2015 --
LPR Wishes Its Clicksters a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - With Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Everyone

December 19, 2015 --
A Political Comment From "Meet John Doe" Appropriate to Today's Aggrandizers

December 19, 2015 --
The Last of the 2015 GOP Debates, Briefly Noted

December 19, 2015 --
Concerning Donald J. Trump

December 19, 2015 --
A personal message to Carl, the pro ethanol small farmer who called Mark Levin's radio program on December 14.

December 19, 2015 --
A Return to the Christmas Spirit?

December 5, 2015 --
The New York Times Editorial Policy: Blame Republicans/Protect Democrats

December 5, 2015 --
Curious Coincidence?

December 5, 2015 --
Does "university" mean a place of higher learning committed to "political unithought" ?

November 19, 2015 --
There is Nothing Correct About "Political Correctness" -- It's Really Political Intimidation

November 19, 2015 --
Shouldn't France Take the Lead? And How About the United Nations?

November 19, 2015 --
Avoiding Reality

November 19, 2015 --
Forsyth on the Current Situation

November 19, 2015 --
The New York Times Joins the Fight against ISIS

November 19, 2015 --
Another Jefferson Thought From His First Inaugural, March 4, 1801

November 5, 2015 --
Speaker Ryan: "To reapply our founding principles" just use The Federal Papers as your guide

November 5, 2015 --
Republican Candidates Take Charge

November 5, 2015 --
How far to the left is The New York Times?

November 5, 2015 --
A Debate Proposal from LPR

November 5, 2015 --
An Economic Proposal From LPR addressed to Senator Bernie

November 5, 2015 --
A Consumer Proposal from LPR addressed to Sen. Elizabeth Warren

November 5, 2015 --
Thank you Senators Cruz and Rubio...

October 19, 2015 --
Will "Critics" of "In God We Trust" accept "In Government We Trust"?

October 19, 2015 --
The "weird contradictory mentality" of David Brooks

October 19, 2015 --
Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid as the Mainstream Media's Political Editor?

October 19, 2015 --
An Implicit Endorsement of an LPR proposal?

October 19, 2015 --
The New York Times War on Republicans (Con't.)

October 5, 2015 --
The Democrat Congressional Minority: The New Majority

October 5, 2015 --
A postscript on John Boehner

October 5, 2015 --
Thomas L. Friedman, where are you?

October 5, 2015 --
Those Venting House Republicans

October 5, 2015 --
Ralph's Museum

September 19, 2015 --
Welcome to Government by the Democrat Minority, or The Withering-Away of the Constitution

September 19, 2015 --
Citing a Curious Treasury Department September 1, 2015

September 19, 2015 --
Citing a curious question in The New York Times, September 8, 2015

September 19, 2015 --
"A bad cause seldom fails to betray itself."

September 5, 2015 --
Lonely Pamphleteer Review Questions and Observations Related to the Iran Nuclear Deal

September 5, 2015 --
Hamilton Would, LPR Believes, Be Appalled

September 5, 2015 --
What About the Four Americans Held in Iran?

September 5, 2015 --
Just How Many Billions Will Iran Get?

August 19, 2015 --
Reflections on President Obama's August 5 Address at American University

August 19, 2015 --
Reflections on New York Times Columns by Nicholas Kristof and Maureen Dowd.

August 19, 2015 --
To Succeed in Politics and in the Media -- Be Smug?

August 19, 2015 --
August 19, 1955

August 5, 2015 --
The Iran Deal: The Obama Legacy Buries America's Founding Legacy

August 5, 2015 --
There Goes John Kerry Again -- Waving the Anti-Semitism Card

August 5, 2015 --
Kasich for President?

August 5, 2015 --
Agit-Prop at Rolling Stone

July 19, 2015 --
What Next on the Same-Sex Front?

July 19, 2015 --
The Presidential Candidacy of Senator Bernie Sanders

July 19, 2015 --
Will a Senate Minority Endorse That Deal With Iran?

July 19, 2015 --
What About the Impact of Global Warming (a/k/a Climate Control) on El Nino?

July 19, 2015 --
"What's the Matter With Polling?"

July 5, 2015 --
Does July 4, 2015 mark the Irrevocable Decline of our Representative Republic?

July 5, 2015 --
More LPR Ruminations About Presidential Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton's Claim She was Once "Dead Broke"

July 5, 2015 --
The UN Palestine Partition Plan was the "Two State Solution" that the Arabs Rejected

June 19, 2015 --
The Lenox Idea for a Senior Citizen Credit Card -- $5, 000 at 3%

June 19, 2015 --
U.S. Threats Against Israel are Nothing New

June 5, 2015 --
Lenox, "Car," and Hon. Hillary Rodham Clinton

June 5, 2015 --
A Brief Public Letter to the Public Editor of The New York Times -- SEVENTEEN MONTHS BEFORE ELECTION DAY!!!

June 5, 2015 --
Do We Want Our Officials to Reject Our Founding Legacy?

June 5, 2015 --
No reply received...

June 5, 2015 --
Question for Maureen Dowd.

May 19, 2015 --
Thank You Senator Tom Cotton

May 19, 2015 --
President Obama Marks the 70th Anniversary of V-E Day

May 19, 2015 --
The LPR Plan for Arab-Israel Peace

May 19, 2015 --
A Statement on Removing the Blindfold from the Statue of Justice?

May 19, 2015 --
Idea for the Last Orson Welles Picture Show

May 5, 2015 --
Will President Obama End Sanctions on Iran -- and Apply Them Against Israel?

May 5, 2015 --
Geopolitically Wondering at LPR


April 19, 2015 --
Transforming the U.S. By "Doublethink"

April 19, 2015 --
"Big Words and Big Thoughts"

April 19, 2015 --
Obama Views Israel Through His Political Looking Glass

April 19, 2015 --
Editorial Transference at The New York Times

April 5, 2015 --
What Does the International Left Want for Israel? Some Questions and Answers

April 5, 2015 --
The "Ugly" New York Times


LPR's Early April 1, 2015 Edition

March 19, 2015 --
The Job Republicans Were Elected To Do

March 19, 2015 --
Taking the Word of Democratic Consultants

March 19, 2015 --
Open Letters as Means to Making a Point

March 19, 2015 --
A Long Road to Naming an Israeli Prime Minister?

March 19, 2015 --
The Wishes of Geraldo Rivera on the Election Outcome in Israel


March 5, 2015 --
"The Gates" Plus Ten Years

February 19, 2015 --
On Boycotting Benjamin Netanyahu

February 19, 2015 --
Is there a Democrat member of Congress willing to compare ...

February 19, 2015 --
John Batchelor -- Angel's Advocate

February 5, 2015 --
Obama's Rules on Netanyahu and Israel

February 5, 2015 --
LPR wonders ...

February 5, 2015 --
The New York City Blizzard that Wasn't

February 5, 2015 --
A Question Prompted by a Guest on The John Batchelor Show

February 5, 2015 --
Two Questions from LPR

January 19, 2015 --
The New York Times, as Vox de Blasio, Turns its Back on Fair Comment

January 19, 2015 --
Understanding Mayor Bill de Blasio

January 19, 2015 --
"Irreverence is the champion of liberty and its only sure defense."

January 19, 2015 --
A Remarkable Anti-Russian Comment from the Ukraine Prime Minister

January 19, 2015 --
Let's hear Cohen and Gregory Debate Ukraine on The John Batchelor Program

January 5, 2015 --
LPR Looks Ahead to 2015