Saturday, July 27, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Archives 2017

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December 19, 2017 --
A Troubling Report on the Wisconsin John Doe Probes -- and its Current Import

December 19, 2017 --
Quoting the Per Curiam Supreme Court Opinion On the Trump Travel Ban

December 19, 2017 --
On Populism

December 19, 2017 --
Jerusalem Causes Two Never-Trumpers to Ease-up on Their Never Trumpism

December 19, 2017 --
Questioning the Patriotism of President Trump

December 19, 2017 --
LPR Photo Observations


December 5, 2017 --
An Assortment of Comments Concerning the Ongoing Anti-Trump Campaign

December 5, 2017 --
The Establishment vs. Upstart Trump?

December 5, 2017 --
From the LPR Archives, August 5, 2016: The Clinton negative campaign against President Trump continues

December 5, 2017 --
LPR Photo Observations


November 19, 2017 --
Mr. President, please speak, not tweet, to the people

November 19, 2017 --
On the Left's Political Hate for Republicans, as well as the President and his Voters

November 19, 2017 --
From President Trump's November 7 address to the National Assembly of South Korea, in Seoul

November 19, 2017 --
Let's End Federalism?

November 19, 2017 --
The New York Times and the Constitution

November 19, 2017 --
On Being Thankful this Thanksgiving Day, November 23

November 19, 2017 --
LPR Photo Observations


November 5, 2017 --
When it comes to media reporting on President Trump, truth is the first casualty

November 5, 2017 --
Some Reflections on Political Realities

November 5, 2017 --
The President's Problems with the Bureaucracy

November 5, 2017 --
Time to be Horrified?

November 5, 2017 --
Kimberley A. Strassel on "Washington's Leak Mob"

November 5, 2017 --
A significant running accomplishment


October 19, 2017 -
The Anti-Trump Establishment’s War Against the President Continues

October 19, 2017 -
The Bitterness of George F. Will

October 19, 2017 -
No Estimate Yet on the Dollar Value of the Trump-Hating Columns?

October 19, 2017 -
Some Advice to Congressional Republicans

October 19, 2017 -
All the Trump-Hate The New York Times Can Print


October 5, 2017 -
Senator Collins: Concerning Obamacare, are U.S. Senators Above the Law?

October 5, 2017 -
Bringing Russiagate Into the Open

October 5, 2017 -
Did Jeff Sessions Signal Lukewarm Support for President Trump at his Nomination Hearing?

October 5, 2017 -
The Transformation of America Continues


September 5, 2017 --
LPR Calls for a Study on the Curious Practice of Imagined Political Journalism

September 5, 2017 --
Interesting coincidences?

September 5, 2017 --
Crossing a constitutional line?

September 5, 2017 --
Cloudy Crystal Balls

September 5, 2017 --
The John Batchelor Show and other matters

September 5, 2017 --
John le Carre Shoulda Said It Ain’t So


August 19, 2017 --
What Next?

August 19, 2017 --
Just Wondering …

August 19, 2017 --
Insight from John Stuart Mill

August 19, 2017 --
Hey Mr. Packer, check out Federalist No. 57

August 19, 2017 --
From the LPR Observations Archives

August 19, 2017 --
A few additional thoughts on Camp Wabigoon


August 5, 2017 --
Members of Congress: Stop the Disinformation Campaign Against the President (A Request from Lonely Pamphleteer Review)

August 5, 2017 --
Just Wondering …

August 5, 2017 --
Patrick Henry Did Not Cry Out: “Give me oppression or give me death”

August 5, 2017 --
The Media Cover-Up on Machiavelli – and its Meaning


July 19, 2017 --
Why American Liberties Are Not Under Attack – Not From from President Trump, That Is

July 19, 2017 --
A Brief Look at Irreverence –and Thought Control

July 19, 2017 --
Show Us the Proof, Senator Graham

July 19, 2017 --
It Wasn't Russia

July 19, 2017 --
Thoughts of Wabigoon and Winsted


July 5, 2017 --
An Idea for a Nationwide Celebration of the Fourth of July, 2018

July 5, 2017 --
The FBI Director Who Came In From the Cold; or, Defending Against the Media/Intelligence Complex

July 5, 2017 --
About the Special Counsel Order

July 5, 2017 --
LPR Photo Observations


June 19, 2017 --
LPR Special Edition: Power to the Insiders

June 19, 2017 --
LPR Photo Observations


June 5, 2017 --
Imagining a Commencement Address From Senator Charles E. Schumer: In Defense of Affirmative Authoritarianism

June 5, 2017 --
If They Only Had A Spine


May 19, 2017 --
If the Left, including Senate Democratic Leader Charles E. Schumer, Were Committed to the Rule of Law…

May 19, 2017 --
"Massacre" Fakery at The New York Times

May 19, 2017 --
Reflections on the Hispanic Vote for President

May 19, 2017 --
Fleshing Out Some Political Analysis at The New York Times

May 19, 2017 --
If Vladimir Putin Were a Commie

May 19, 2017 --
LPR Photo Observations


May 5, 2017 --
What Is Meddlegate Really All About?

May 5, 2017 --
Are judges to be an arm of the Resist Trump Movement?

May 5, 2017 --
The “1984” Impact on the Monolithic Media, Post November 8, 2016

May 5, 2017 --
LPR Photo Observations





April 19, 2017 --

April 19, 2017 --
LPR Photo Observations


April 5, 2017 --
LPR Memo to President Trump Concerning the American Health Insurance Act

April 5, 2017 --
The Significance of the Hearings on the Nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the United States Supreme Court.

April 5, 2017 --
Any New Developments on the Probe of Comey?

April 5, 2017 --
Turning a "blind eye" to "context"

April 5, 2017 --
What about the Podestas?

April 5, 2017 --
More from The Daily Caller, March 6, 2017, on the Podestas

April 5, 2017 --
LPR Photo Observations


March 19, 2017 --
Standing Up Against Hate – or Against Free Speech?

March 19, 2017 --
Leon, We Are Getting To Know Ye -- A Bit Too Much

March 19, 2017 --
A Lesson From Our UN Ambassador For the Trump Administration and Congressional Republicans to Emulate

March 19, 2017 --
The Conspiracy Against President Trump

March 19, 2017 --
"The Gates" Plus 12

March 19, 2017 --
LPR Photo Observations


March 5, 2017 --
On The Importance of Standing Up to Attack

March 5, 2017 --
Could It Be?

March 5, 2017 --
Promoting Liberty, Fair and Square

March 5, 2017 --
LPR's Question for New York Times Publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr.

March 5, 2017 --
LPR Recommends ...

March 5, 2017 --
A Thought from LPR

March 5, 2017 --
How about this question, John Dickerson?

March 5, 2017 --
LPR Photo Observations


February 19, 2017 --
Does the Ninth Circuit plus “Irreparable Harm” Theory Equal A Ceremonial President?

February 19, 2017 --
A 2018 Political Prediction From LPR

February 19, 2017 --
Should We Re-read “Seven Days in May?”

February 19, 2017 --
Presenting Tricky Senator Charles E. Schumer

February 19, 2017 --
LPR to President Trump

February 19, 2017 --
LPR Photo Observations


February 5, 2017 --
An Open Letter to New York Times Publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr.

February 5, 2017 --
David Brooks: Loathing for the People

February 5, 2017 --
Disinformation, As LPR Saw It

February 5, 2017 --
Meet the Press Just Lost Don Imus

February 5, 2017 --
LPR Photo Observations


January 19, 2017 --
The hypocrisy has become truly breathtaking

January 19, 2017 --
Will John Le Carre Please Explain the Post-Election Period?

January 19, 2017 --
Who, indeed, wants to undermine U.S. democracy?

January 19, 2017 --
LPR Musings …

January 19, 2017 --
LPR Photo Observations


January 5, 2017 --
The Neo-Leninists’ War on the President-Elect

January 5, 2017 --
More from Jim Rutenberg of Rutenberg’s Rules for Radical Reporters

January 5, 2017 --
President Obama’s Chanukah Present for Israel

January 5, 2017 --
LPR Strongly Recommends…

January 5, 2017 --
LPR Photo Observations