Saturday, July 27, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Archives 2016

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December 19, 2016 --
“[T]he innovator has enemies in all those who are doing well under the old order….” (Machiavelli, “The Prince,” Chapter 6, translated by Wayne A. Rebhorn.)

December 19, 2016 --
Conflicts? What About Michael R. Bloomberg?

December 19, 2016 --
"The Tainted Election"

December 19, 2016 --
LPR Wishes Its Clicksters a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


December 5, 2016 --
Our Federalist No. 57 Election

December 5, 2016 --
Political Prognosticating

December 5, 2016 --
Don’t Forget that IRS Matter, Mr. Trump

December 5, 2016 --
"Horrifying"? "[N]ot the way our democracy works"? "... I, for one, am appalled"?

December 5, 2016 --
Random Observations

December 5, 2016 --
LPR Photo Observations


November 19, 2016 --
Trump Elected President — The Ordinary People are Heard — Our Sun Continues to be a Rising Sun

November 19, 2016 --
Random Observations

November 19, 2016 --
Boy, Does Margaret Sullivan Have it Wrong

November 19, 2016 --
Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. – a D.B. Norton for our Times

November 19, 2016 --
LPR Photo Observations


November 5, 2016 --
Finally, After 108 Years

November 5, 2016 --
Michael Moore and Oliver Stone on “Wikileaks”

November 5, 2016 --
Good heavens!

November 5, 2016 --
Citing an observation about Hillary Clinton from Ross Douthat

November 5, 2016 --
Assorted Observations

November 5, 2016 --
The Clairvoyance of Maureen Dowd, plus a le Carre link?

November 5, 2016 --
A Compilation of Some Quotes

November 5, 2016 --
LPR Photo Observations

November 5, 2016 --
Justice Hugo Black on Separation of Powers


October 19, 2016 --
Just One More LPR Till Election Day

October 19, 2016 --
Machiavelli, The Prince, Chapter 6, Explains the Root Cause of Anti-Trumpism

October 19, 2016 --
Advice from President Bill Clinton, December 19, 1998 ignored by Hillary Clinton in 2016

October 19, 2016 --
The dark side of wallowing in "the politics of personal destruction"

October 19, 2016 --
Here's a question for Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs not considered by the media.

October 19, 2016 --
Since when did October 9 Debate Co-Moderator Martha Raddatz become a participant?

October 19, 2016 --
LPR Wonders

October 19, 2016 --
LPR Photo Observations


October 5, 2016 --
Historic Hillary Clinton Trounces Trump To Be the 45th President of the U.S.

October 5, 2016 --
The Hillary Clinton “Let’s Spec” Game

October 5, 2016 --
For a Different Take…

October 5, 2016 --
Never Happen?

October 5, 2016 --
Bait and Ditch

October 5, 2016 --
On the Significance of President Hillary Clinton

October 5, 2016 --
Advisory to Donald J. Trump

October 5, 2016 --
LPR Photo Observations


September 19, 2016 --
Will Reality, uh, Trump Bias?

September 19, 2016 --
Omerta per Hillary Clinton?

September 19, 2016 --
Political Transformation

September 19, 2016 --
WHY GOP Moderates Loathe The Donald

September 19, 2016 --
P.C. Forever

September 19, 2016 --
How Are You Doing?

September 19, 2016 --
The Problem With Hillary Clinton

September 19, 2016 --
Hillary Clinton Wants to Be Commander-in-Chief

September 19, 2016 --
Do Never-Trumpers Want a Final Transformation?

September 19, 2016 --
Politics Among the One Percent?

September 19, 2016 --
Concerned About The New York Times

September 19, 2016 --
What did the FBI know and when did it know it?

September 19, 2016 --
An Unwanted Political Drama

September 19, 2016 --
On Being with B. Streisand et al.

September 19, 2016 --
LPR Photo Observations


August 19, 2016 --
Shut up they explain

August 19, 2016 --
A Letter to Donald J. Trump, Dated August 10, 2016

August 19, 2016 --
Constitution Day, September 17, 2016

August 19, 2016 --
LPR Photo Observations


August 5, 2016 --
In God May We Continue to Trust

August 5, 2016 --
Thinking about Camp Wabigoon in this Heat Wave

August 5, 2016 --
Some Additional Wabigoon Thoughts

August 5, 2016 --
Michael Bloomberg: A Personification of Wealth Inequality?

August 5, 2016 --
The “unremittingly negative campaign” ahead

August 5, 2016 --
LPR Photo Observations

August 5, 2016 --
Doggerel: To Serve Republicans


July 19, 2016 --
Will The Middle Class Defeat the Neo-Feudalists?

July 19, 2016 --
LPR Reduces to Doggerel Jim Dwyer’s July 13 New York Times column: “Scholars Steeped in Dead Politicians Take On a Live One: Trump”

July 19, 2016 --
Mark Levin Better Watch It

July 19, 2016 --
The New York Times: Adhering to Disinformation

July 19, 2016 --
Another Slice of New York Times Disinformation

July 19, 2016 --
LPR Photo Observations

July 19, 2016 --
LPR’s Theory on Why the Attorney General Met with Bill Clinton


July 5, 2016 --
Finally, The Republican National Convention

July 5, 2016 --

July 5, 2016 --
“Today’s Angriest Americans”

July 5, 2016 --
“Why Populist Now?”

July 5, 2016 --
An LPR Thought for the Government of Israel

July 5, 2016 --
LPR Photo Observations

July 5, 2016 --
Lenox and Libby



June 19, 2016 --
The Left’s War Against Trump

June 19, 2016 --
The President and Hillary Clinton

June 19, 2016 --
Our Thought Police

June 19, 2016 --
Wrong Mona, Wrong

June 19, 2016 --
Unilateral Clashing

June 19, 2016 --
Her Inevitableness

June 19, 2016 --
LPR Photo Observations...


June 5, 2016 --
Concerning A Gorilla’s Death

June 5, 2016 --
Goodwin –Better Late Than Never

June 5, 2016 --
A Media Moment of Lucidity?

June 5, 2016 --
Never-Trump Rage Department

June 5, 2016 --
LPR Wonders…

June 5, 2016 --
On Encouraging the New Reality

June 5, 2016 --
Images -- not from, say, southern France, but from The Bronx, yes, The Bronx


May 19, 2016 --
The War on Conservative Populism

May 19, 2016 --
LPR’s Hard Questions for Hillary Clinton

May 19, 2016 --
Curiously in The New York Times, May 15...

May 19, 2016 --
LPR Wonders…

May 19, 2016 --
A Neologism Suggested by Lonely Pamphleteer Review

May 19, 2016 --
LPR Goes WAAAY Out On A Constitutional Limb

May 19, 2016 --
Happy Heralds of Spring


May 5, 2016 --
What’s To Be If It Is Tr[i]ump[hant] at the GOP Convention?

May 5, 2016 --
And If Hillary Clinton Is Our Next President

May 5, 2016 --
Some Quick Thoughts and Questions After Indiana

May 5, 2016 --
Some Brief Observations Concerning…


April 19, 2016 --
Censorship at The New York Times?

April 19, 2016 --
A Modest Thought for Public Comfort Stations

April 19, 2016 --
So Much Money to So Few to Oppose One Man

April 19, 2016 --
Like F. Scott Fitzgerald Advised, the Rich ARE Different From the Rest of Us


April 5, 2016 --
A Lonely Pamphleteer Special Edition in the April 1 Spirit: On Applying Root Cause Arguments

April 5, 2016 --
Court Bars Clinton and Cruz Candidacies

April 5, 2016 --
The New York Times Fires its Political Columnists

April 5, 2016 --
Ethics Center and Poverty Center to Publish Critique of Conservatives

April 5, 2016 --
President Obama Explains View of Putin

April 5, 2016 --
George Bailey Responds to James Traub


March 19, 2016 --
Thinking About Politics 2016 On Founding Legacy Terms

March 19, 2016 --
What a Difference a Year Makes

March 19, 2016 --
LPR Doubts Douthat Conservative

March 19, 2016 --
Did Douthat Continue His Anti-Trump Malice?

March 19, 2016 --
The People vs. the Cronycrats


March 5, 2016 --
David Brooks, a Leftist Propagandist

March 5, 2016 --
"The Gates" Plus 11

March 5, 2016 --
LPR is amazed ...

March 5, 2016 --
LPR Memo to Donald J. Trump

March 5, 2016 --
What "What difference, at this point, does it make?" Tells Us About Hillary Clinton

March 5, 2016 --
LPR's Musings


February 19, 2016 --
The President, the Supreme Court, and the American People

February 19, 2016 --
Millennials -- if you like the socialist Bernie Sanders, you should love the populist LPR

February 19, 2016 --
Did The New York Times Turn on Sen. B. Sanders?

February 19, 2016 --
Those Threatening Russians

February 19, 2016 --
The Basic Problem with the Republican Establishment


February 5, 2016 --
Politics 2016 Is Now Underway: Will the People Vote the Aggrandizers Out of Power?

February 5, 2016 --
Hillary for President

February 5, 2016 --
On the Relevance of Federalist No. 62

February 5, 2016 --
The Anti-Israel Pressure Intensifies


January 19, 2016 --
What if Trump Trumps the Republican Field?!

January 19, 2016 --
Leftist David Brooks

January 19, 2016 --
From President Obama's State of the Union Address, January 12

January 19, 2016 --
No Good Can Come of This


January 5, 2016 --
Will It Be President-Elect Hillary Clinton One Year From Now?
(If so, who will be the vice president-elect?)

January 5, 2016 --
Juan Williams Has to Be Kidding

January 5, 2016 --
Andrea Mitchell Passes Up an Obvious Opportunity

January 5, 2016 --
An LPR Observation on a New York Times Editorial Observation

January 5, 2016 --
The Establishment Vs. John Doe

January 5, 2016 --
LPR Offers One Reason Voters Reject the GOP Establishment

January 5, 2016 --
Does President Obama Back Hamas?