Friday, July 26, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Archives 2019

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December 19, 2019 --
An Open Letter to H.E. Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine

December 19, 2019 --
A Trump-hating Columnist Becomes Hysterical

December 19, 2019 --

December 19, 2019 --
Professor Alan Dershowitz

December 19, 2019 --
Senator Ted Cruz

December 19, 2019 --
Two Brief Items From The New York Times

December 19, 2019 --
Why Testimony Should Be Taken From the "Whistleblower"

December 19, 2019 --
Former AG Holder Attacks AG Barr As "Unfit"

December 19, 2019 --
A Pleasant Surprise from Senate Majority Leader McConnell


December 5, 2019 --
An Open Letter to the President of Russia, H.E. Vladimir Putin

December 5, 2019 --
The New York Times Version (November 21 editorial, "Implicating the President and His Men")

December 5, 2019 --
The New York Times Prints an Op-ed FAVORABLE to President Trump

December 5, 2019 --
There Was, However, a Curious Reply to the McCarthy Op-ed

December 5, 2019 --
Attorney General William Barr (on the Mindset of the Resistance)

December 5, 2019 --
Plagiarizing the plagiarizer?

December 5, 2019 --
Hamilton explains why the Senate was given the authority of "a court for the trial of impeachments."

December 5, 2019 --
Et tu, Gerald Seib? -- With Some Follow-up

December 5, 2019 --
Dr. Fiona Hill Gives Chairman Schiff What He Wanted; Anti-Trump Innuendo

December 5, 2019 --
News on the Inspector General Front


November 19, 2019 --
The Spirit of the First Amendment is Not Allowed at The New York Times

November 19, 2019 --
LPR Requests Administration Clarification of this Assertion in the October 8 Letter from Counsel to the President Pat A. Cippollone to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Three Committee Chairmen

November 19, 2019 --
Two Early Examples of the Trump Resistance Even Before He Was Nominated

November 19, 2019 --
The Bloomberg Candidacy

November 19, 2019 --
Cherry-picking by the Democratic Counsel

November 19, 2019 --
On Preventing President Trump From Benefiting Politically?

November 19, 2019 --
Senators Tell State Department to Resist

November 19, 2019 --
The Selective Testimony from Amb. Taylor, Briefly

November 19, 2019 --
Are We Heading Toward a Constitutional Amendment for a National Vote to Recall a President?


November 5, 2019 --
A Political Hate Exception to the Hearsay Rule?

November 5, 2019 --
Two examples of "Deep State" reports in The New York Times, the unofficial organ of  the resistance to President Trump

November 5, 2019 --
About that July 25 Phone Conversation

November 5, 2019 --
LPR here sets down relevant portions of the transcript of the Trump-Zelensky phone conversation

November 5, 2019 --
Do We Face a Seven Days in November-type Coup?

November 5, 2019 --
2019 - The Year the Nationals Won the World Series  (with Broadway musical to follow)

November 5, 2019 --
Now for the Politics of the Nationals' Championship

November 5, 2019 --
LPR Clicksters, Please Help This Item Go Viral

November 5, 2019 --
A De Facto Call for Good Sportsmanship


October 21, 2019 --
A Lonely Pamphleteer Memo to Congressional Republicans

October 21, 2019 --
The Spirit of Joe Hardy?

October 21, 2019 --
Politics Simultaneous With Baseball

October 21, 2019 --
Hearsay Reporting at The New York Times?

October 21, 2019 --
More LPR Observations...


October 5, 2019 --
Impeachment as Media/Democratic Interference With the 2020 Presidential Election

October 5, 2019 --
The One -Party U.S. Senate System in California

October 5, 2019 --
The New York Times Supports Greta Thunberg

October 5, 2019 --
Denying Presidential Legitimacy

October 5, 2019 --
A Way to Solve the Government Impasse in Israel

October 5, 2019 --
More LPR Observations...


September 19, 2019 --
Reasons for Some Questions on The Mueller Report

September 19, 2019 --
The Third Democratic Debate

September 19, 2019 --
Tickets now on sale for "The Music Man"

September 19, 2019 --
A "First Step?"

September 19, 2019 --
Further Indication There Was No Trump-Russia Collusion

September 19, 2019 --
Additional Democrat Calls for Impeachment

September 19, 2019 --
The Israeli Election


September 5, 2019 --
A Cursory View of the Politics of September

September 5, 2019 --
On the Freedom of Opposition Research

September 5, 2019 --
Another Presidential Candidate Enter the 2020 Campaign

September 5, 2019 --
CNN's "Reliable Sources" Is Reliably Anti-Trump

September 5, 2019 --
Concerning Mayor Bill deBlasio

September 5, 2019 --
"Climate Change" Censorship

September 5, 2019 --
The Amazing Double Standard of a Never Trumper

September 5, 2019 --
The Inspector General's (Viral-deserving) Report on James B. Comey









August 19, 2019 --
Is Impeachment Already Underway?

August 19, 2019 --
Collateral to the Jeffrey Epstein Situation

August 19, 2019 --
Questions Concerning Jeffrey Epstein

August 19, 2019 --
Call for Unity, Changed

August 19, 2019 --
A Debate Question for Democrats (with some possible answers)

August 19, 2019 --
LPR Musings ...


August 7, 2019 --
Reflections on the Politics of  the Mueller Report and  the Mueller Hearing

August 7, 2019 --
How Did Russiagate Originate?


August 5, 2019 --
Trump-Zelensky Phone Call

August 5, 2019 --
Congratulations ...

August 5, 2019 --
Holmes W. Jenkins, Jr. on President Trump's "Racism"

August 5, 2019 --
Concerning Some Regulations Governing the Special Counsel

August 5, 2019 --
Two Questions Not Asked of Mr. Mueller

August 5, 2019 --
On the Road to Socialism?


July 19, 2019 --
Random Thoughts this July

July 19, 2019 --
Mona Charen protests a bit too much

July 19, 2019 --
An excerpt from President Trump's July 4 Address

July 19, 2019 --
On the Commission on Unalienable Rights -- and New York Times Bias

July 19, 2019 --
Congratulations to Matthew Wolff

July 19, 2019 --
One More Thought This July


July 5, 2019 --
Chez Reavie Wins the 2019 Travelers Championship

July 5, 2019 --
On Elevating Criticism into an Attack on the Free Press

July 5, 2019 --
Why the Mueller Appearance Before Congress?

July 5, 2019 --
The Jerusalem Summit: a Step to Normalizing U.S. Russian Relations?

July 5, 2019 --
The Media Ignores the Visits of Former Presidents to North Korea

July 5, 2019 --
The first Democratic Debate for 2020, Night One

July 5, 2019 --
The Second Night of the First Democratic Debate

July 5, 2019 --
LPR Musings ...


June 19, 2019 --
The President, too, has Constitutional Rights (An open letter to House Republicans)

June 19, 2019 --
The Attorney General is Unconcerned

June 19, 2019 --
The President and Royalty

June 19, 2019 --
A New "Big Three"?

June 19, 2019 --
LPR Musings ...


June 5, 2019 --
A Populist President in the Spirit of Federalist Paper No. 57

June 5, 2019 --
The Special Counsel and Impeachment

June 5, 2019 --
A letter to The New York Times, not printed:

June 5, 2019 --
June 14 - Flag Day

June 5, 2019 --
Who would have thought?.....


May 19, 2019 --
Some LPR Reflections

May 19, 2019 --
Loan Shark Prevention Act

May 19, 2019 --
Will We Ever Know What Russiagate Was All About?


May 5, 2019 --
The Left's War Against President Trump Continues

May 5, 2019 --
President-Elect Volodymyr Zelensky

May 5, 2019 --
Democratic National Committee v. The Russian Federation, et al.

May 5, 2019 --
Obviously Slanted

May 5, 2019 --
Joe Biden and the Working Class


April 19, 2019 --
Driving While Undocumented

April 19, 2019 --
Will Ukraine be an issue in the 2020 election campaign?

April 19, 2019 --
Congratulations Benyamin Netanyahu

April 19, 2019 --
LPR Congratulates...

April 19, 2019 --
Is the Swamp Promoting Mayor Pete Buttigieg for President?


April 5, 2019 --
A Reaction to the Mueller Report Aftermath

April 5, 2019 --
Why we need the electoral college

April 5, 2019 --
What's our problem with Russia?


March 19, 2019 --
Political Paranoia on Steroids

March 19, 2019 --
The House Judiciary Committee Chairman seems to be aiming for impeachment

March 19, 2019 --
The 2020 Presidential Primary Calendar

March 19, 2019 --
Why AO-C is not A-OK

March 19, 2019 --
More LPR Observations

March 19, 2019 --
The Ilhan Omar Controversy

March 19, 2019 --
Remembering Lenox


February 27, 2019 --
MAGA McCarthyism


February 12, 2019 --
On the One-Week Delayed State of the Union Address: "This new era of cooperation..."

February 12, 2019 --
Additional LPR Viewpoints ...


January 5, 2019 --
Thoughts on Breaking the Stalemate: First Drain the Swamp

January 5, 2019 --
"Nonstop political war" ahead