Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Miles from the Mainstream
D. R. ZUKERMAN, proprietor
Archives - 2022

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December 5, 2022 --
Happy Chanukah; Merry Christmas; Happy 2023 Everybody!

December 5, 2022 --
Holiday Season Suggestion to former President Trump -- Naming the MAGA Ideologue

December 5, 2022 --
Over the Holidays: Scratch an Anti-MAGA Opinion Writer or Officeholder and Find Big Bucks Underneath

December 5, 2022 --
LPR Recommended Links

December 5, 2022 --
Department of Unthinkable Thoughts. or Who Threatens the Rule of Law -- Biden or MAGA?

December 5, 2022 --
Hey, House Republicans!

December 5, 2022 --
LPR Lyrical Re-Writes

December 5, 2022 --
Looking to January 3, 2023 in Washington, D.C.

December 5, 2022 --
LPR's Recommendations of "Les Miserables" Videos

December 5, 2022 --
LPR's Recommendations of "The Producers" Videos

December 5, 2022 --
Tchaikovsky's "The Nutcracker"



November 19, 2022 --
A Thanksgiving 2022 Comment

November 19, 2022 --
Julie Kelly for Jim Jordan's lead investigator into the corrupt, partisan FBI

November 19, 2022 --
LPR on Music Turnabout With the UK

November 19, 2022 --
LPR's MAGA Loyalists!

November 19, 2022 --
Biden's Plan for a High Speed Train Between NYC and Scranton

November 19, 2022 --
LPR Memos

November 19, 2022 --
Joe Pinion's Remarkable Showing Against Sen, Charles E. Schumer

November 19, 2022 --
A Huge Thank You This Thanksgiving...

November 19, 2022 --
There the anti-democracy leftists and their anti-MAGA traitors who once were Republicans go again.



November 6, 2022 --
November 8, 2022: The Most Vital Election Day of the 21st Century

November 6, 2022 --
A special note to any press secretary for a Republican member of the House or Senate

November 6, 2022 --
Wagner's Influence

November 6, 2022 --
Arthur Fiedler & the Boston Pops

November 6, 2022 --
LPR's Suggested Links



October 19, 2022 --
A Special Edition of Lonely Pamphleteer Review

October 19, 2022 --
The Two Olympic Themes Composed by John Williams

October 19, 2022 --
The first of links to Boston Pops Broadway Medleys

October 19, 2022 --
More Boston Pops Broadway Medleys

October 19, 2022 --
An Important Question from LPR: Why Are Republicans in Washington, D.C. Silent on the FBI's Interference in Our Elections?

October 19, 2022 --
Medley of themes from TV Westerns

October 19, 2022 --
A link to Tucker and Merrill

October 19, 2022 --
And Finally...



October 5, 2022 --
Thank You Alex at the Genius Bar of the Apple Store in Manhattan at Ninth Avenue and 14th Street for Making This Posting of Lonely Pamphleteer Review Possible

October 5, 2022 --
More Pageantry Links on the passing of a remarkable monarch

October 5, 2022 --
A brief, but true, exchange of remarks, to explain why Republicans will gain House and Senate majorities, November 8.

October 5, 2022 --
The Inexorable Darkness of Autumn, and a Thought for Election Day Change



September 19, 2022 --
Glimpses and of, and reflections on, the sad, yet stirring, pageantry on the passing of a remarkable monarch

September 19, 2022 --
A leftist's revisionism on a softer Citizen Trump (compared to Gov. DeSantis)

September 19, 2022 --
A misguided call for King Charles to abdicate

September 19, 2022 --
LPR's Recommended Links

September 19, 2022 --
Wondering about Justice Bret Kavanaugh



September 5, 2022 --
Down with the anti-Trump, anti-Democracy Cabal

September 5, 2022 --
Political Intolerance Starts From the Top Down

September 5, 2022 --
In essence, The New York Times is Pathetic in its Devouring Obsession With Donald J. Trump

September 5, 2022 --
LPR's Recommended Links

September 5, 2022 --
LPR, Briefly, on the President's Remarks September 1

September 5, 2022 --
Sen. Graham Is Way Off Track

September 5, 2022 --
Calling for a Diagnosis



August 19, 2022 --
A Plea to Patriotic Republicans in Congress to Wake Up and Smell the Anti-Trump/GOPropaganda

August 19, 2022 --
Why the Impeachment II Republicans are Particularly Obnoxious

August 19, 2022 --
Whence Mike Pence

August 19, 2022 --
LPR's Recommended Links

August 19, 2022 --
Additional thoughts on Camp Wabigoon

August 19, 2022 --
A link to an important Julie Kelly article

August 19, 2022 --
Exploring the oxymoronic behavior of Liz Cheney: was she affected, January 6, 2021, by a variation of Stockholm syndrome, causing her to identify with her political foes?

August 19, 2022 --
The 67th Anniversary of the Flood That Devastated Winsted, CT

August 19, 2022 --
Great Minds Thinking Alike -- or A Congressman Borrows from a Scholar?

August 19, 2022 --
Camera Alert

August 19, 2022 --
Dick Cheney, Wyoming Republicans Did Not Believe You



August 5, 2022 --
The LPR Garden of Political Verses

August 5, 2022 --
LPR's Recommended Links

August 5, 2022 --
A July Memory of Rowley's Pond at Camps Wabigoon and Wahanda

July 19, 2022 --
The Consensus on Justice Has Broken Down

July 19, 2022 --
Two important articles from American Greatness

July 19, 2022 --

July 19, 2022 --
LPR's Recommended Links

July 19, 2022 --
The LPR Plan to Resolve the Political Situations in the U.S. and in Israel

July 19, 2022 --
A Political Poll That Doesn't Compute

July 19, 2022 --
Just one question...

July 19, 2022 --
Truth in Journalism Rule?

July 19, 2022 --
Newt Gingrich Says...



July 5, 2022 --
A Reasoned Glimpse Into Our Near Political Future, or, For the Left, It All Depends Whose Ox is Being Gored

July 5, 2022 --
Chairman Thompson Cannot Seriously Consider Liz Cheney a Republican

July 5, 2022 --
The Deep State's Campaign Against Donald J. Trump Continues

July 5, 2022 --
LPR's Recommended Links

July 5, 2022 --
Evidence that the Mueller Probe Was Provoked by the Lying New York Times

July 5, 2022 --
The LPR Take On a Media Headline

July 5, 2022 --
A Statement from LPR Marking Our 246th Anniversary as a Free People

July 5, 2022 --
Liberty's Problem With Death Wish Republicans

July 5, 2022 --
Attorney General Garland Rebukes the Supreme Court

July 5, 2022 --
The Political Truth Emerging From A Wall Street Journal Article and a Challenge to Patriotic Republicans

July 5, 2022 --
LPR Corrects Disinformation at The New York Times

July 5, 2022 --
This informative column would not appear at The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal

July 5, 2022 --
Breibart, July 2, reported the results of a Harvard-connected poll that favor former president Trump over Florida governor Ron DeSantis, 56% - 16%.

July 5, 2022 --
LPR appeals to Gov Ron DeSantis -- and Republican officials everywhere



June 19, 2022 --
An Important New York Times Headline to Keep in Mind

June 19, 2022 --
For an accurate account of the "Jan. 6" situation

June 19, 2022 --
Two LPR Predictions

June 19, 2022 --
No Good Will Come of This

June 19, 2022 --
Liz Cheney Should Be Called Out for Lying

June 19, 2022 --
The LPR Take On the Pelosi-Selected Committee Ratings

June 19, 2022 --
The Wall Street Journal Falls Prey to Anti-Trump Predators

June 19, 2022 --
There Can Be No Doubt The New York Times Has Abandoned Journalism for Propaganda, and Advocates Tyranny

June 5, 2022 --
LPR Recommends the Following Links to two Mahler Masterpieces



June 5, 2022 --
The New York Times Expresses the Hope of the Deep State

June 5, 2022 --
Random Thoughts from LPR

June 5, 2022 --
More Savaging the Truth

June 5, 2022 --
Briefly, the LPR Take on the Sussmann Acquittal

June 5, 2022 --
LPR Recommends the Following Links to two Mahler Masterpieces

June 5, 2022 --
A Quote That Is Breathlessly Ironic

June 5, 2022 --
Trump-loathing Rich Lowry Kind of Backtracks

April 19, 2022 --
Election Days Are Only Six Months' Away

May 19, 2022 --
An Unprecedented Assault on the Judicial Process

May 19, 2022 --
A Party Incapable of Stirring a Breeze; Another Party That Moves in Lockstep

May 19, 2022 --
A magnificent voice silenced ...

May 19, 2022 --
Republicans Should Heed This Warning from Victor Davis Hanson

May 19, 2022 --
LPR Recommended Links



May 5, 2022 --
An Unprecedented Assault on the Judicial Process

May 5, 2022 --
Two Questions for Jesse Wegman

May 5, 2022 --
More Thoughts on Scotus Leak-gate

May 5, 2022 --
Long Live Common Sense!

May 5, 2022 --
A Very Special Link to a Possible Reversal of Roe v. Wade




April 19, 2022 --
Anti-Democracy D. Plouffe Mouths Off Again

April 19, 2022 --
November 8, 2022:  Augury for  the GOP

April 19, 2022 --
Was Wikipedia Snookered by Gore Vidal?

April 19, 2022 --
Is a Biden Ouster Inevitable?

April 19, 2022 --
From the LPR Archives

April 19, 2022 --
An Open Memo to The New Yorker Magazine on Its Possible New Approach to Capitalism



April 5, 2022 --
Does Obama Care Want Seniors to Die Sooner than Later

April 5, 2022 --
Go to it, MTG

April 5, 2022 --
LPR's Recommended Links

April 5, 2022 --
Canine Corner

April 5, 2022 --
From Breitbart March 26

April 5, 2022 --
On the passing of Madeleine Albright

April 5, 2022 --
The Decline and Fall of RINO-ism

April 5, 2022 --
A brief incident in Riverdale

April 5, 2022 --
To heck with sportsmanship and honor to country

April 5, 2022 --
The Forthcoming 75th Anniversary of the Powell-Pressburger film, "The Red Shoes"

April 5, 2022 --
LPR Photo Gallery



March 19, 2022 --
A Special Edition of Lonely Pamphleteer Review: LPR Presents, in Part,  Proof of the Existence of a Deep State that Resists, Vigorously, Free and Open Elections

March 19, 2022 --
President Zelensky's Comments About Amb. Marie Yovanovitch

March 19, 2022 --
LPR's Take on Impeachment I

March 19, 2022 --
An LPR Observation

March 19, 2022 --
The New York Times version of objective journalism.  (LOL)



March 5, 2022 --
From Nasty Nancy Pelosi to the Emergence of a True Leader

March 5, 2022 --
A Person and a Part

March 5, 2022 --
Canine Corner

March 7, 2022 --
And the 2022 Milo Minderbender Memorial Award Goes to (a three-way tie)

March 5, 2022 --
So Trump was right, after all, in criticizing NATO

March 5, 2022 --
The Essence of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict?

March 5, 2022 --
The State of the Union Address, Briefly Noted -- with link to the text

March 5, 2022 --
The New Yorker magazine is not a friend to seniors

March 5, 2022 --
Requesting the impossible: Honesty from Eugene Robinson, not partisan quackery

March 5, 2022 --
LPR Photo Gallery



February 19, 2022 --
New York Times Acknowledges That Pelosi Committee Trashes Constitution

February 19, 2022 --
Trending Politics vs. LPR take on Ukraine

February 19, 2022 --
LPR predicted the L.A. Rams would defeat the Cincinnati Bengals in Super Bowl LVI

February 19, 2022 --
A Second LPR Theory for Biden's Predictions of a Russian Move Into Ukraine

February 19, 2022 --
An Outrageous Statement by a Leftist Propagandist and a Gross Editorial Understatement, Both Appearing February 15, and Worth Noting

February 19, 2022 --
A V.I.L. (Very Important Link)



February 5, 2022 --
Putin's Plans to Invade Ukraine Have All the Reality of the "National Redoubt" Concern of the U.S. Army, February - April 1945

February 5, 2022 --
Why Snowfalls are Different From Yesteryear

February 5, 2022 --
Canine Corner

February 5, 2022 --
Seventeen Years Ago at LPR

February 5, 2022 --
Biden's Transcendent Rule: Trust Me; Just Don't Dare Ask Me to Verify Because It's None of Your Business

February 5, 2022 --
Images along 57th Street, from Park Avenue to Seventh Avenue, Taken on Groundhog Day

February 5, 2022 --
It's About Time

February 5, 2022 --
There has to be a rules change for NFL playoff games

February 5, 2022 --
LPR Photo Gallery



January 19, 2022 --
How Donald J. Trump Might Cause Serious Internal Damage in Democrat Ranks 

January 19, 2022 --
LPR Recommends …

January 19, 2022 --
Canine Corner

January 19, 2022 --
A "Jan. 6" 2022 report from Breitbart that points to leftist culpability in 2020

January 19, 2022 --
Congratulations Winsted, Connecticut

January 19, 2022 --
Does Eric Adams Plan to Name Himself Mayor for Life?

January 19, 2022 --
Merrick Garland v. The Constitution

January 19, 2022 --
LPR's Winter Images

January 19, 2022 --
The LPR Take on McCarthy's Vow to Remove 3 Democrats from House Committees

January 19, 2022 --
How the congressional Republicans seem, in a way, to resemble the PLO

January 19, 2022 --
LPR Photo Gallery



January 5, 2022 --
It's the Anti-Trump Propaganda, Stupid

January 5, 2022 --
Announcing a New LPR Feature: Helpful Hints to Anyone in Manhattan: Resident or Visitor

January 5, 2022 --
Canine & Feline Corner

January 5, 2022 --
LPR's Images of Midtown the Day Before Christmas (With Commentary)

January 5, 2022 --
December 27, 2021, A Date That Should Live in New York Times Infamy

January 5, 2022 --
Images to suggest that N.Y. Gov Hochul is no less imperious-minded than her predecessor

January 5, 2022 --
On the Yahrzeits of Sol and Anna Zukerman

January 5, 2022 --
LPR's Holiday Images

January 5, 2022 --
LPR Photo Gallery